On May 7th and 8th, PURE worked with The North Face to put on an offline event highlighting the concept of "Discover New Trails" at Shanghai Huaihai Road’s TX Mall. Despite these extraordinary times, the event was proof that exploration never stops. It was a spirit that provided inspiration for The North Face as it developed the concept, and also the driving force for PURE as it got behind the initiative. This time around, PURE combined its holistic public relations and event design talents, putting together creative and memorable formula to experience the products. Offline and online linkages were crafted in a fun and interactive way, providing proof that no matter where you are, you can continue the journey of ‘Never Stop Exploring’. 5月7日至8日,PURE助力The North Face,于上海淮海路TX举办为期两天的『发现新路』媒体线下活动。尽管处在特殊的时期,探索依然永不停止。这是The North Face开启『发现新路』的初衷,也是PURE全力推进活动的动力。此次PURE将公关传播与场地设计相结合,视觉上加深产品记忆点,更以趣味互动的方式促进线下与线上联动,传播无论身在何处,探索永不停止的品牌精神。 PURE invited several media and KOLs joined in with the North Face exploration camp, participating in the #wildathome challenge offline. The challenge was initiated by three of the brand’s star athletes: Wang Lei, the first professional Chinese snowboarder, Hong Kong 100 champion Shen Jiasheng, and Chinese female rock climber Sanwenyu. Filmed by a crew live on site, this ready-made content went hand in hand with the Weibo handle #wildathome promoting the challenges and encouraging the public to participate too. It was an inspiring call to action stops. In its public relations service, PURE is consistently committed to selecting talents who not only match the brand's tone but also have the power and quality to inspire secondary content dissemination via social platforms in the most authentic, unique and compelling ways. 此番PURE力邀众多媒体及KOL前来,以线下参与#探索家不停#挑战的方式,加入The North Face探索阵营。挑战由品牌三位签约运动员:中国单板第一人王磊、港百冠军申加升、中国女性攀岩运动员三文鱼发起,通过KOL及媒体参与完成。挑战过程由PURE邀请的摄制组拍摄成片,作为嘉宾们活动结束后线上传播的一手素材,微博打卡#探索家不停#挑战,鼓励大众参与进来,即便在外出受限的特殊时期,探索也永不停止。公关层面上,PURE致力于选用与品牌调性相契合的达人,以最有趣的方式激发社交平台的二次内容传播。 Surrounding the event, PURE invited the MOUNSTER mountain culture platform for an in-depth media cooperation, leading many outdoor enthusiasts to the event site to experience the punching-in experience. With its background in styling outdoor life, MOUNSTER launched the #wildathome initiative on its WeChat platform. Waves of in-depth cooperations with KOLS promoted the campaign further to media and fans. 活动次日,PURE邀请MOUNSTER山系文化进行深度媒体合作,带领众多户外爱好者来到活动现场体验打卡。山系还将以穿搭及户外生活为背景,在微信平台发起#探索家不停#三波挑站,每一轮与达人的深度合作,都将带动社交平台,媒体及粉丝的广泛传播。 In order to enhance the level of fun and participation in the event, PURE designed three areas for the #wildathome ffline challenge using its trademark creativity and design flair: a balancing challenge, a core challenge, and a climbing challenge. Each showcased a different way that exploration is possible, inviting new perspectives and new potential. Combining a seamless guest flow with fitting rooms, rest spaces, scoreboards, and an environment combining urban style and outdoor functionality, PURE met the interaction needs while deepening the guest understanding of the products. 为提升活动的趣味性和参与感,PURE为#探索家不停#线下挑战创意设计出三大区域:平衡挑战区、核心挑战区与攀岩挑战区,令每位参与者都能大开脑洞,发现探索新路。结合试衣间、休息位、记分板等互动巧思,以及充满都市感和户外机能的整体设计风格,PURE尽可能满足互动需求的同时,加深参与者对活动及产品本身的记忆点。 Last but not least, the on-site gift package was also designed and produced exclusively by PURE. A selection of eco-friendly recycled fabrics echoed the application of FUTURELIGHT™ fabrics in the light and fast off-road series, and explored new possibilities in environmental protection. 此外,现场礼品包也由PURE设计制作完成,选用环保再生纤维面料呼应轻快越野系列对FUTURELIGHT™面料的应用,在环保上探索更多可能。
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